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  • Writer's pictureKristyYule

4 Social Media Mistakes Real Estate Marketers Should Avoid

According to a recent study from the National Association of Realtors,

  • 77% of realtors actively use social media for real estate in some way.

  • 47% of real estate businesses note that social media results in the highest quality leads vs other sources

  • 99% of millennials (and 90% of baby boomers) begin their home search online (as opposed to in-person referrals)

Translation? Social Media is a highly effective, and fairly cost effective, sales tool for Real Estate professionals. However, if used incorrectly you can end up with mediocre results and lots of questions from your senior leadership. Here are four mistakes to avoid in social media marketing:

  • Lack of Consistent Branding Across Platforms – Each profile should reflect your companies’ unique brand and feel across all platforms. This allows visitors to immediately identify and remember your company.

  • Always Selling, Never Engaging – Have you ever been to an industry function and there’s always this one guy who approaches you and wants to tell you about his latest product/service? Never engages you, just jumps right into selling. How often do you buy from this person? Social media is just that, social. So, you need to do more than list the date, time and address for your open house or model opening. Tell a story about the community or how you developed the plan. Personalize the journey and invite your customers along the way. And remember to tailor content for the platform. Instagram and Facebook are visual platforms whereas Twitter and LinkedIn are usually used to distribute news.

  • Posting Too Often . . . or Not Enough – For Instagram, aim to post between 1-3 times per day and twice a day for Facebook. However, consistency is also important. If you are unable to be consistently post daily, then post 2-3 times/week to experience better engagement. Also, make sure that you are posting quality over quantity. It is better to post less often but have something your customers are interested in vs. frequently with useless information.

  • Not Measuring ROI – Do you have stated goals for each platform? Do you know what success looks like for your business and what actions on social media lead to selling actions? Develop key performance indicators (KPIs) and measure them against real estate standards. Monitor results each month and adjust to ensure your

Avoid these social media mistakes and you'll have a successful 2020 sales and marketing plan. Looking for ways to improve your consumer or realtor marketing strategy? We know real estate marketing, connect with Yule Group today.

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